Saturday, 28 February 2015

March the First

Wow, so its been a while since I wrote but here it is. 
This February has been crazy as there is just so many things that happened - the good and bad. 
A few highlights for me last month must be the school Athletics day, Chinese New Year and Lantern Festival. 

It was my athletics day and I'm gonna miss it so much. I realized that it was so much fun - a day off school for a free yet competitive sports day. I participated in a total of 6 non-competitive events with a load of selfies been taken during the day. The weather was great apart from a short shower around 1pm. 

I haven't been on the school field till athletics day this year. 

Clouds hover and watch over us 

Happy Late Chinese New Year! I didn't do much apart from a large dinner so no photos for that expect this. 
As Chinese New year was on a school day my friend Dorothy handed out these to our friend group and had similar matching bags - I thought that was pretty cute. 
Lantern Festival was fun this year as I went with my two friends Philip and Sylvia. We arrived at around 6 and went to Dasio and had a Korean dinner. 

We also went to the Art Museum which we was maybe one of the highlights of our night. We all haven't been or been there in a long time so we decided to go. I think tonight was fun due to the company rather than the even itself. 

Everyone could take part in an art even which enforced creativity - sadly it was full. 

A light show was taken place at the exhibit
It was so sad during the night as I didn't get to hang out with others when you plan to see them! A disappointment :( Oh well I'll should make it up to them!
Well that is it for now! ~ 
Till next time when my life gets interesting enough to blog about!



  1. nicely captured! thank you for sharing

  2. Ah, I remember my last Sports Day - so sad! These are beautifully taken and presented photos!

    Colour Me In Blog

    1. Thank you! And yes my last sports day was sad :c So glad that my sports day was great though!
