Friday, 30 January 2015


So this week I experience my last first day back in High school! 
I cant just can't believe I'm leaving next year. It feels so surreal how time passes at school even though it goes slow during the day. 

Hating the school uniform as its never weather appropriate. 
School Mornings aren't just for me

What I hate about school is the early mornings to get up for school. It just makes me treasure my sleep times back in the holidays.

It was good seeing everyone and my classes are just fine despite a few teachers which make me not wanting to learn due to their lack of notes. I guess I have to put in more effort this year. I have also been getting tons of homework lately. 

Other than school I have been doing a puzzle on 
this artwork and it sure takes a majority of my time during the day. 

The lost pieces needing a place. 

I hope that I will be able to finish before this term's holiday ends.

That is all for now for this post as I shall now encounter my homework load before the weekend ends. 



  1. fighting dear<3

  2. Hope you have a great time in school ^^ σ(≧ε≦o) ♥

  3. loooveee your blog xxx

  4. Have fun during your senior year, and make it the best high school experience yet :) You got it! Almost there! -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey's

  5. I know it's dumb, but I still find it so funny/cool that you all start school in January when I started in September. Haha! But I totally understand what you mean about that "last first day" feeling... I'm already getting nostalgic, and I'm only a junior in high school. All of the seniors just took their class photo yesterday and I'm just thinking "That's me in a year"!!!
    x Alyssa
